Three separate bicycle rides to raise funds and awareness for PolioPlus: Family Ride: set your own distance and pace on the 9 mile Buffalo Valley Rail Trail, between Mifflinburg and Lewisburg PA Easy Road Ride: 22 miles, easy pace and only 550' of climbing.\] Jacks Mt. 50: A 47 mile ride for moderate to advanced road bike riders that enjoy elevation. Check-in for all 3 rides is from 8 - 9 am at the gazebo in the park. Preregistration is encouraged but day-of will be accepted. The suggested minimum donation to PolioPlus is $25 per rider for adults and $5 for children under 12. All riders are encouraged to solicit additional donations toward their ride. All registrations and donations are tax deductible and should be payable to "The Rotary Foundation". For a registration/donation form see our Facebook page above.
Rotary Fellowship Cycling to Serve USA/CANADAinfo@cycling2serve.usCycling2serve.usFacebook